
Friday, January 6, 2012

Wow It has been a year.

Today is my one year anniversary!!!!!!!!!! One whole year. I can't believe it. Every time I am on here I learn something new. Today I figured out how to find my old posts and my very first post was year ago. No comments lol but I was still here talking to myself.
So I really truly, from the bottom of my heart thank you all. For making this such a great experience. I have visited homes, shared a lot of laughs, smiled even more, shed a few tears, but most of all I feel like I am sharing a bit of myself with some great friends. It is like I have found a big ole bunch of kindred spirits. ( I love Anne of Greene Gables).
I am in amazement every time I get on here  and you all share a glimpse into your lives, your homes, and especially when Teresa serves us all pancakes. I mean where else can I have breakfast with so many friends. Especially on Christmas Day.
So once again, Thank you to all you amazingly talented, creative, friendly, and wonderful people.


  1. Kat~ Congrats on a year! Yes so many wonderful people out there.Glad to know you as well.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  2. Kat, Happy 1 year of blogging. I love and enjoy your blog. I hope you keep going!!

    Hugs and Prim Blessings,

  3. Congrats on a year in blogland. Love visiting with you on your blog. Have a wonderful Day.

  4. Morning Kat - Congratulations on your One Year Anniversary! It is amazing all the great friends, projects and ideas we get from visiting each other. Hugs and Have a nice weekend. Prim Blessings

  5. Hi, Kat~ Congrats on one year!!!!
    Like you I so enjoy all the friendship, sharing & caring~ So many miles apart, but so close in interest~ I have so enjoyed your friendship~ it has meant so much to me~ and your sharing~ love your wood working~ just need to get you down here to do some for me~ giggles~ I would make you Breakfast anytime~and enjoy sitting down talking with you~
    smiles & hugs

  6. Congrats Kat...can't believe its been a year...I remember looking at your woodshed and thinking wow..what a great job. I still haven't built one :)...I feel as if I've known you for years and truly cherish our friendship. Hope we have many more years of fun! One day we'll have to meet up...Maybe halfway in Vermont? I've always wanted to visit Vermont...and I'm sure they have great fun would that be??
    :) patti

  7. Happy New Year Miss Kat! Congratulations on one full year of blogging! It can be so exciting, huh? I just started my 4th year on the first and I'm like, WHAT?

    Happy writing and sharing in 2012. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

    Love to you~


  8. Congrats on your first year and hoping you have many more! Enjoying your blog very much!

  9. Oh, you are so right about kindred spirits! I'm glad that you are on my blog list. ~Ann

  10. Congrats on your 1 year blog anniversary Kat!! Enjoy reading your blog. I am also glad I found blogging.

    Have a wonderful weekend~Becky

  11. What a sweet, sweet post. Happy 1 year blog Anniversary!! I only wish I would have met you sooner but I'm looking forward to the year ahead... plenty of time to get to know you better. =]

    Have a wonderful weekend~
