
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Scavenger Hunt #4 part 3 Final week

My fur baby, it's a hard life, sewing a quilt I guess.

My fur baby as a prop with flowers. I gave him treats and he still didn't seem to like it. Go figure not manly enough for him I guess.  OUCH

PS.  He is our rescued cat and the best. Also he didn't really scratch me, that is just ketchup and paint, he said it would help with his imagine to offset the flowers and since it was such a small request I thought "oh okay, why not". lol
For those of  you that played along with this amazing fun it has been great getting to check out your blogs and for those of you who missed it. IT WAS A BLAST. Thanks Misi.

1 comment:

  1. Kat
    Your cat is so pretty~ Okay your grossed me out
    ~ with the ketchup & paint~ seriously looks like a nasty Cut!!!LOL
    It has been fun~ fun~ I have too loved checking out all the displays~ and finding the items was a treat!!
    I still have my last display to get~ Wonder if I will be able to find fur~ that will be a hard one for me!LOL
